City Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution Declaring Montreal A City of Excellence in Metal Music

Update: 2019/04/16
Yesterday Montreal’s city council unanimously adopted councillor Craig Sauvé proposal

On Monday, April 15, Montreal’s city council will vote on Craig Sauvé’s proposal to recognize Montreal as a city of excellence in metal music.

Craig Sauvé, city councillor for the District Municipality of Saint-Henri-Est-Petite-Bourgogne-Pointe-Saint-Charles-Griffintown, has tabled to officially recognize Montreal’s metal scene.

Sauvé, who got into metal as a teenager is seeking recognition for the, “Contribution of Québecois Metal music, our local scene, and the thousands of people who have contributed to help make our city’s metal scene shine across the world stage.”

The proposition, “The City of Montreal to proclaim itself a city of excellence in Metal Music”, which he posted on his Facebook page, was seconded by two other councillors, Sterling Downey, Councillor of the Beaumarchais District Municipality Crawford and Jocelyn Pauzé (Pauzé Jocelyn), of the District Municipality of Marie-Victorin.

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